Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012


How do you treat yourself on a daily basis? How do you feel about yourself? Do you look in the mirror and say, "Wow! Look at that amazing person!" or do you put yourself down and beat up on yourself? Do you find life hard and do you struggle trying to find happiness? You might be getting in the way of yourself! Step out of your way, and become your own best friend!

I have to admit that I used to be my own worst enemy. If an enemy came against me, I would magnify and multiply any negative thing they may have said to me. I would think about their words over and over again, and then I would agree with the lies even though those nasty words were not true. I would get myself into deep, dark depressions for very long periods of time. I would make those around me miserable because of my doldrums. I was constantly searching for happiness through meaningless objects, and what I didn't even realize is that the "what" might make you happy for a little while; however, the "who" can help you to find that happiness that already resides within you.

I had to learn to like myself, because other people are not going to like me if I can't stand me. I had to realize that those nasty, rude words that other people were saying to me were only a reflection of the inner soul of the person who was saying them. I had to realize that I am a child of God! I had to understand that I DO have a purpose in life! I had to cherish the life that God gave me. I had to become grateful for what He had already given me. I had to finally accept myself for who God made me to be! I had to get out of that negative thinking pattern, and I had to transform my mind. In essence, I had to get out of my own way, and I had to become the best friend that I always wanted to have, and I had to learn to become my own best friend! 

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