Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011


Do you feel like you are alone when facing your frustrations? Do you feel that there is no one out there who would understand what you may be going through? This is how I have been feeling lately until I read a post on my Facebook wall that stated, "I'm done trying. If you want me in your life, let me know. Bye !" written by Awesome Quotes. As I was reading the different posts by different people, I suddenly realized that so many people had the same problem that I do concerning other people and their lack of concern and caring. Many others were making posts about how they have been there for others, but when they needed others to be there for them, there was no one for them to turn to. I then realized that I am not alone. There are many people in this world who are facing the same frustrations that my family faces.

No matter what you may be going through in life, please realize that there are others in the world who may be going through the same exact thing, or they may be going through something worse than what you may be facing. I know from experience what it feels like to think that you are all alone. If you feel alone, I challenge you to find some online chat groups to join. I will guarantee you that you will find someone who thinks just like you. I know in the past, I have created some really great friendships by joining online chat groups. Just be very careful if you choose to meet the person face-to-face. Never meet a new friend alone! Always take someone with you if you choose to take that step. However, most of my online friendships have remained an online friendship, and I have learned that my online friends face the same challenges that my family has faced.

If you think you are alone, I can tell you from my own experience that there are others who feel the same way you do. There are people out there facing the same battles. If you think that your family has turned their backs on you, I can guarantee you that someone else in the world has gone through the same thing. You are not alone!


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